Sustainable Fashion and Home Deco from Peru
20 de May de 2021

Sustainability in the Benelux and Scandinavia is becoming increasingly important. According to a recent CBI study (April 2021), the European textile and apparel markets are working towards a value chain that is completely sustainable. As a way to safeguard this sustainability, many companies have chosen to opt for a fair trade certification, following the guidelines of Fairtrade International (FLO) or the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO).

Also in Peru, there are more and more fair trade certified companies in the sector. The textile industry in the country goes back more than 5000 years, and has been able to develop hand in hand with the local environment. The main products that Peru produces nowadays are Alpaca fibre and native varieties of cotton (pima and tangüis), that can be made into high-quality final products. 

To foment the fair trade production in Peru, the Commission for the Promotion of Peruvian Exports and Tourism (PROMPERU) launched the Fair Trade Best Practices Certification, the criteria hereof have been derived directly from the FLO and WFTO certifications. This way, the sector becomes more sustainable and puts extra emphasis on aspects such as a fair pay, respect for the environment, and ensuring no child labour, among others. Many Peruvian companies now have this certification, also known as Peru Fair Trade.

If your company works with fair trade and sustainable textiles and decorations, you can now participate in our Virtual B2B Matchmaking with certified fair trade and sustainable Peruvian companies that offer apparel, decoration, and gifts, from 21 until 25 June 2021. Think of products such as Alpaca and cotton clothing and accessories, home textiles, painted glass, vegetable fibres, ceramics, woodworking, or leather products. There are a total of 50 exporting companies that are participating, so there is a large and interesting supply.

You can register free of charge by clicking on this link, or by sending an email to PROMPERU Benelux & Scandinavia at